Father Larry Swink
Father Dan Leary
Father Michael DeAscanis
SAVE THE DATE: Malvern Women's Retreat will be Oct 7-9, 2022
PS - Father Swink has his own brand new Retreat Ministry! Visit for more info about his retreats and days/nights of reflection!
Photo credit: Luis Gorres
(update March 27)
Dear brothers in Christ, On Friday evening of the retreat, Father Dan introduced you to Elvis and his two sons and spoke about Elvis and Rosario's daughter Annya who has been hospitalized for quite some time. Recently, Father received this very sweet video from Annya and he wanted to share it with each of you. God is so good and Annya is truly heroic in her suffering as she continues to slowly improve - now awake and talking! Please continue to hold her and her family close in prayer, and consider offering a Lenten sacrifice for Annya's complete healing. |
Friday Homily / Opening Talk - Father Dan
Saturday Morning Talk - Father Dan
Saturday Homily - Father DeAscanis
Saturday Afternoon Talk - Father DeAscanis

handout_how_to_read_the_bible.pdf |
Saturday Evening Talk - Father Swink
Sunday Morning Talk - Father Swink
Sunday Homily - Father Swink