Notes from the MALVERN RETREAT Oct. 4-6, 2019
- We must have an awareness of what it means to rest in God. Settle your heart with Him.
- Why did God call you to this retreat?
- What distractions do you have? Do you willfully obsess or worry in order to avoid what God might be saying?
- Does what you choose to do leave you more tired?
- The evil one works in your imagination - he wants you driving backward because forward is ETERNAL LIFE
FRI. HOMILY (Fr. Dan):
- What does it mean to seek?
- God is perpetually seeking the human heart. He recognizes our captivity and wants to liberate us.
- Matthew 2 : 1-5 (it's OK to ask questions when you're seeking)
- Matthew 4 : 18-22 (come follow me - Christ gives you a new name)
- Matthew 8 : 1-4 (sick people go searching for Christ)
- Matthew 8 : 5-13 (people search for Christ so they can intercede for other people)
- Matthew 8 : 28-34
- Matthew 9 : 19-26 (parents come searching for Christ)
- Luke 5 : 1-12 (even the proud come searching for Christ)
- John Chapter 2 (Blessed Mother goes looking for Christ)
- John Chapter 4 ("come see the man who knew everything I had done ...")
TALK 1 (Fr. Swink): Highway to Heaven
Perspective: it's not automatic to go to Heaven
- "draft" with others - maintain good Catholic friendships
- tune up your bike (Confession)
- nourish yourself (Eucharist, good spiritual reading, etc.)
- rest - pray like you mean it (1% challenge - can you give Jesus 15 mins. of meditation/day?)
- hills - accepting hardship as a means of growth
- perseverance
Hebrews 12 : 1-2 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith."
We need a supernatural outlook!
St. Jose Maria Escriva: "If you lose the supernatural meaning of your life,
your charity will be philanthropy;
your purity will be decency;
your mortification will be stupidity;
your discipline will be a whip;
and all your works will be fruitless."
SAT. HOMILY (Fr. Swink):
TALK 2 (Fr. Dan):
TALK 3 (Fr. Dan):
TALK 4 (Fr. Dan):
SUN. HOMILY 3 (Fr. Dan):