Rose, a native of Indiana, has been a full-time missionary in Haiti since 2008. She will share some amazing stories about the spiritual journey that led her to where she is today--running a small business in one of the poorest countries in the world--while, at the same time, empowering her 15 Haitian employees with valuable life skills, steady employment, and environmental awareness. PeaceCYCLE collects discarded trash off the streets and up-cycles it into beautiful and functional totes, durable storage items, and other clever products. Rose’s employees are like family to her. You will be inspired by their story!
Note: your paid admission of $10 per adult (in advance)/max. $30 per family will include a small PeaceCYCLE item (for the first 100 who register) plus a chance to win a Classic Tote Bag in the colors of the Ukrainian Flag (bright yellow/bright blue) (retail $20)! We will also accept payment of $10 at the door but it will not include the door prize or raffle ticket.
All proceeds will benefit PeaceCYCLE in Haiti!
PeaceCYCLE items will be available for purchase.
Rose will be at Jesus the Divine Word, Huntingtown MD on Saturday, May 14 from 9AM (Mass) to Noon; and at St. Andrew Apostle, Silver Spring, MD on Tuesday, May 17 from 7PM to 9PM (doors open at 6:30PM). Rose's Talks are "non-denominational"! All are welcome!
Rose's talks are appropriate for children age 10+, but all children are welcome. (No babysitting provided.)
The fee is $10 per adult (18+) with a max. of $30 per FAMILY. Children are free. See registration form for details!
Qs? Contact [email protected]